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Link work with Youtube video completed

| Alaudae.JP

2024/08/17 Finally! Linking to unofficial YouTube videos is complete

Hello everyone!

After about two weeks of single-mindedly working on linking the unofficial YouTube videos, even cutting down on sleep, I've finally finished!

I'm filled with a sense of accomplishment and relief. At the same time, I'm a little worried that there may be videos I've missed or that are no longer available...

In particular, you never know when you might lose precious footage shot with old-fashioned analog equipment or videos lovingly edited by fans. That's why this linking process was so important to me.

In recent years, shooting videos with smartphones has become commonplace, and anyone can easily upload high-quality footage. However, at the same time, we've seen more and more harsh comments about the sound and image quality. This is very sad, and I think comments should be more considerate of the feelings of the streamers so that valuable videos don't disappear.

In the days before the iPhone was born, when uploading videos was a special act, we would put a VHS tape in the camera and shoot while worrying about the remaining battery life... The image quality was never good, but the smiles and enthusiasm of the people captured on the video are still engraved in our memory and never fade. Fans who have been following Country Sisters since those days want to leave their legacy for future generations. And I would like to express my gratitude to all the distributors who uploaded such videos. With that thought in mind, this fan site renewal project began.

And this time, I calculated the number of Country Sisters videos linked to YouTube...

40th, 45th, 50th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT videos: 61

Official Country Sisters videos: 44

Unofficial Country Sisters videos: 930

In total, we found over 1,035 videos shared by fans all over the world. It's heartwarming to think that each and every one of these videos is filled with love and passion for Country Sisters.

I myself came across Country Sisters on Youtube and have been encouraged by their singing voices and healed by their smiles. I also hope that the number of fans who love them will increase in the same way, and that the Country Sisters' singing voices will continue to resonate throughout the world and bring happiness to many people. I also hope that this fan site will continue to be a place where I can convey my love and gratitude to them.

I ♥ Country Sisters.