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2024, new member of Country Sisters! But Wikipedia information is still out of date...

| Dea.Alaudae.JP

As of August 19, 2024, Country Sisters consists of six members: SONIA, ANDREA, LIDA, EVA, CHRISTINE, and TEREZA, and is shining with a new brilliance.

You can check this latest information by visiting the official website's New Band Members. In addition, the charming expressions of each member are introduced in detail on the BIO page.

What I especially want to pay attention to is LIDA's comeback. She was in the group from 1997 to 2000, and when you watch the videos from that time, you will be captivated by her playful and adorable appearance. In 2023, she returned to the stage as a member of Country Sisters. And EVA will also join this wonderful group in 2023, and CHRISTINE and TEREZA will join this wonderful group in 2024.

You can catch a glimpse of their live performance at this year's Summer Festivals on their official Facebook page. Even just from the photos, you can feel the excitement of the venue and the fun the girls had. Let's hope that the live video will be uploaded to YouTube in the near future!

Beware of outdated information! Complaints and warnings about Wikipedia

Now, to change the topic, I feel a certain dissatisfaction when searching for Country Sisters on the Internet. When I do a Google search, Wikipedia always comes up at the top. However, the information there has not been updated at all since I first learned about Country Sisters in 2010. In other words, outdated and potentially misleading information has been left there for 15 years. This is no longer providing information, but is more like spam.

I once tried to correct the information on Wikipedia, but it was quickly reverted. Why doesn't Wikipedia try to update the Country Sisters information? I don't know what their intentions are, but it's a big obstacle for fans who want the latest information.

That's why I want to say it out loud.

For those of you looking for information about Country Sisters, please don't just take the information from Wikipedia at face value!

Information that hasn't been updated for 15 years is no longer trustworthy. It is also an act that shows a lack of respect for the Country Sisters themselves and the members who support them. If you are a true fan, make sure to always get the latest information through their official website and official social media.

For example, Wikipedia may not have information about LIDA's comeback or the new members EVA, CHRISTINE, and TEREZA. If you are misled by such outdated information, you will not be able to properly understand their current activities.

Country Sisters are constantly evolving. Get up to speed with their latest news and enjoy their amazing music and performances to your heart's content!

I ♥ Country Sisters.