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privacy policy

privacy policy

  • Country Sisters Unofficial Fan Site Japan (hereinafter referred to as "this site") is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you share with us through the Site, and it is important that you know how we manage and maintain the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy covers personally identifiable information (hereinafter referred to as "Data") collected on the Site. The Privacy Policy does not apply to any business not owned or controlled by the Site or otherwise related to the Site. Also, please check "Community Support" as well. By using this website and its related services, you are deemed to have agreed to the "Privacy Policy" and "Community Support".
Type of data collection
  • Personal information: When contacting us, we will collect your name, address, email address, phone number, etc. This data will only be collected if you willingly submit it to this site. Please note that if you do not agree to provide the above data, you may not be able to receive support.
  • Non-Personal Information: This site collects aggregate, statistical, and other analytical data from all visitors to the website. This non-personal information includes data that cannot be used to identify or contact users, such as user IP addresses (such as anonymized user IP addresses), browser type, website usage, and other anonymous data statistics.
Purpose for which the data is used
  • The reason why this site uses data storage is to identify users and to provide accurate and prompt service responses. It is also the only way that we can take countermeasures in case of anonymous or prank inquiries.
If we do not use personal data
  • Other than for services, we will never share, disclose, sell, rent, or provide personal information to other companies in any other way. However, this does not apply when we receive a request from a judicial or administrative agency with legal obligations based on laws and regulations, or when this site is disadvantaged due to a violation of the terms of use.
Data access rights holder
  • This site does not share email, name, or other information with third parties, subject to laws and regulations. Only the administrator can access the data and can review or delete the data if necessary.
Data retention period
  • We will retain your personal information as long as it is necessary to provide this site to you, but if it is no longer needed, we will promptly delete it.
User rights to data
  • If you have an account on this site, please contact us and we will request that you write out the file of your personal information held by this site, or request that your data be deleted except for data that is not held for management or security purposes. is possible. However, please note that in that case, you will need to verify your identity.
Third party links on this site
  • This site has no involvement or responsibility for the content and activities of (third party) websites linked from within this site. Please check the privacy policy of the linked (third party) website.
Policy for users under 12 years of age
  • This site recognizes that there are special obligations regarding personal information obtained from users under the age of 12. This site does not intentionally collect personal data from users under the age of 12 without the consent of a parent or legal representative. In order to purchase products or use services, users under the age of 12 must obtain consent from a parent or legal representative, or obtain permission from a parent or legal representative before using this site. You must agree to the use. Please note that the definition of a minor varies depending on the country of residence, so minor users will need to provide consent in accordance with the laws and regulations of their country of residence.
Browser cookie functionality for visitors
  • This site uses cookies to identify and track visitors' website behavior and access preferences. Visitors to this website can choose whether or not to allow the use of cookies in their browser. If you refuse the use of cookies on this site, you may lose some functionality of this site, such as services that require login.
If your data is breached
  • In the event of any loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, or data breach of transmitted, stored or processed personal data, we will notify you as soon as this site becomes aware of it.
Privacy policy update
  • This site's privacy policy may be updated to reflect legal requirements. Please note that the privacy policy is available for viewing at any time, regardless of whether it has been updated or not, so please check it when it is updated. If you use this site after the update, you will be deemed to have agreed to the updated privacy policy.

Contact information regarding personal information

  • If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy of this site, or any questions, complaints, or consultations regarding the handling of personal information on this site, please contact us using the inquiry form.
  • Contact: Country Sisters Fan Alaudae.JP
Established on May 31, 2018
Revised January 12, 2019
Revised April 13, 2019
Revised March 1, 2020
Revised August 7, 2023
Revised June 2, 2024

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