Alaudae.JP is in its third year today
On March 3, 2020, Alaudae.JP entered its third year.
First of all, I try to maintain my physical condition, and then I spend every day trying to figure out what type of business I want to pursue. Although it has not yet been established as a business, we are ready to take on the contract at any time.
Naturally, my main job is web construction, so I'm also improving my skills.
Country Sisters stuff is no longer a personal hobby, but a part of Alaudae.JP's content.
I think this is probably the content that Alaudae.JP is putting the most effort into right now.
The rest is building a multilingual web using Joomla. The Alaudae.JP site has started operation as a full-fledged multilingual site, using English and Czech in addition to Japanese. We hope that this will provide some hints for those who are thinking about building a multilingual website in the future, or who are currently considering making it multilingual.
And handicrafts are currently on hold due to web construction. We are planning to resume handicraft work once the repair of the current store site is completed! Currently, I am working on everything by myself, and I am not able to move forward as much as I would like. However, we do not end up with self-satisfaction, but rather aim to create Alaudae.JP that satisfies those who use it.