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Venkovní koncert Country Sisters 2020

| Dea.Alaudae.JP

This year, due to the effects of Wuhan pneumonia and the Wuhan virus, live performances after Country Festival Albisquetli 2020 have been canceled.
I'm feeling uneasy about not being able to watch Country Sisters in 2020.

But even during this unpleasant period, I uploaded live performances on Facebook while wearing a mask.
I think this video shows that the girls are fully charged and are overflowing with energy.

Meanwhile, three days ago, there was an announcement on the official website news that an outdoor concert would be held at Černá Studnice from 18:00 on October 7, 2020.

I can't go. But I hope that Country Sisters fans all over the world get to see something that they can enjoy at this show. Pokud současná situace zůstane stejná nebo se zlepší, jejich živá show bude v pořádku kolem 7. října! Ne, chci, aby byl svět co nejdříve osvobozen od hrozby viru Wuhan!

Chci vidět Soniin veselý úsměv na živém vystoupení!

Další informace k 31. květnu 2020
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COUNTRY SISTERS - koncert pod širým nebem 10.7.2020 18:00